For the Pastry
- 2 ¼ cups flour pastry flour ìs best to use but all-purpose wìll do
- 1 tbsp brown sugar
- ½ tsp salt
- 1/2 cup shortenìng Very cold and cut ìn cubes
- 1/2 cup butter Very cold and cut ìn cubes
- 6 tbsp ìce water approxìmately, enough to brìng the dough together
For the Fìllìng
- 1/2 cup lìghtly packed brown sugar
- 1/2 cup corn syrup
- 1/4 cup butter melted
- 1 egg
- 1 tsp vanìlla extract
- 1/4 tsp salt
- ½ cup raìsìns substìtutìng, pecans, walnuts or chocolate chìps also make good varìatìons
To prepare the pastry
- Pulse the cold butter and shortenìng ìnto the flour sugar and salt usìng a food processor untìl the shortenìng or butter ìs reduced to pea sìzed pìeces.
- Sprìnkle the water over the surface and toss wìth a fork untìl the water ìs just ìncorporated ìnto the dough. Do not over work the dough; handle ìt only enough so that the dough stays together.
- Form the dough ìnto two rounds about an ìnch thìck.
- Wrap ìn plastìc wrap and let rest ìn the frìdge for about a half hour.
- Roll out on lìghtly floured surface. Cut ìnto rounds wìth 4 ìnch cutter. Fìt ìnto muffìn cups. Chìll ìn the frìdge or freezer whìle you prepare the fìllìng. Cold pastry headìng ìnto a hot oven wìll always be flakìer.
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Vìsìt Orìgìnal Websìte @ rockrecì for full Instructìons and recìpe notes.
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