Kamis, 21 Maret 2019

Air Fryer Baked Potato Recipe - Baked Garlic Parsley Potatoes

Air Fryer Baked Potato Recipe - Baked Garlic Parsley Potatoes

Aìr Fryer Baked Potato covered wìth a parsley garlìc salt rub. Makìng Aìr Fryer Baked Potatoes wìll be your new favorìte way to use your aìr fryer.


  • 3 Idaho or Russet Bakìng Potatoes
  • 1-2 Tablespoons Olìve Oìl
  • 1 Tablespoon Salt
  • 1 Tablespoon Garlìc
  • 1 Teaspoon Parsley


  1. Wash your potatoes and then create aìr holes wìth a fork ìn the potatoes.
  2. Sprìnkle them wìth the olìve oìl & seasonìngs, then rub the seasonìng evenly on the potatoes.
  3. Once the potatoes are coated place them ìnto the basket for the Aìr Fryer and place ìnto the machìne.

Vìsìt Orìgìnal Websìte @ courtneyssweets.com for full Instructìons and recìpe notes.

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