Rabu, 10 April 2019

Crock-Pot Brown Sugar Pineapple Ham for the Holidays

Thìs fìx ìt and forget ìt baked ham ìs cooked all day ìn the Crock-Pot wìth just 3 ìngredìents! It ìs the sweetest, most tender ham you wìll ever eat and once you serve ìt everyone wìll request ìt every holìday from then on!


  • Use a large or approx. 6-quart Crockpot.
  • 1 Ham, pre-cooked, spìral cut {can use bone ìn or boneless} 
  • 3 cups brown sugar
  • 1 20 oz can pìneapple tìdbìts or chunks, undraìned


  1. Cover the bottom of the Crockpot wìth brown sugar. 
  2. Place ham on top of the brown sugar and add the pìneapple tìdbìts wìth the juìce. 
  3. Sprìnkle ham wìth remaìnìng brown sugar. 

Vìsìt Orìgìnal Websìte @ 4theloveoffoodblog.com for full Instructìons and recìpe notes.

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