Golden chìcken ìn a creamy, garlìcky, paprìka sauce. You’ll have dìnner on the table ìn no tìme!
- 2 tablespoons oìl
- 8 large or 12 small chìcken fìllets (tenders)
- Salt and pepper
- ½ teaspoon mìxed drìed herbs such as oregano, basìl, herbes de Provence etc
- 1 large clove garlìc (fìnely slìced)
- 2 teaspoons paprìka
- 200 ml (1 cup) chìcken stock
- 100 ml (½ cup) sìngle cream
- Seasonìng to taste
- Pour 1½ tablespoons of the oìl ìnto a non-stìck fryìng pan and place over a medìum heat.
- Sprìnkle the mìxed herbs evenly over the chìcken and season well.
- Pan-fry the fìllets for 5-6 mìnutes on each sìde untìl golden brown and cooked through. Turn the heat down and add a dash more oìl. Sprìnkle the garlìc and paprìka over the chìcken fìllets then turn them once or twìce to ensure the garlìc and paprìka are cooked through.
Vìsìt Orìgìnal Websìte @ for full Instructìons and recìpe notes.
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